Take a look at this:

These are the cool faces that Pikachu can imitate... If you haven't notice, it's all the faces of its nakama~! Isn't that cool?!!

Pikachu also has other faces, such as this scheming face, which is MY FAVOURITE:
An angry Pikachu...
Then, there's the sad face when it realises there's no food for it....
The dreamy face....
The "you're gonna get it now~" face...
The "MY EARS HURT~!!!!!" face...
A victorious Pikachu~!
A sea Pikachu...

A scared Pikachu (in sync with Ash)...
I got this from the NET:
And of course, with Pikachu, there's always, ASH~!!
I am currently watching the Pokemon Advanced Generation, about to start on Pokemon Advanced Challenges.
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