Friday, December 2, 2011

One Piece Ch648

In spite of this pain...
And the pain that draws this crimson blood...
There are these unspoken roads...
That no matter how narrow, or tight...
Just like those tubes...
The blood of that fearsome prejudice...
Will be cleaned away with the blood of battle...
The battle with Hody is finally over. Luffy won and the impending disaster was thankfully stopped by the sea kings, under Princess Shirahoshi's wish. Apparently the ship, Noah, was originally made to be pulled by those Sea Kings... And another astounding fact is that Luffy, like the Pirate King, can hear the Sea Kings...

HOWEVER, Luffy had battled to the point that he lost too much blood (like always) and with a half-paralysed Chopper, is there any hope for Luffy? Also, Luffy's blood is F-type. Whoever has F-type of blood??

Here's the half-paralysed Chopper, helped by Robin-chan~!!

Next, who WILL be our hero's saviour? Well... who else but the big man himself?

Later, when Luffy awakes, he should always be shouting for FOOD!! LOL~! But this time's he DID NOT. Instead, he popped the question:

So, WILL JINBE ACCEPT??? Wait for the next release!!! XD

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