Monday, August 16, 2010

WHISTLE! - Quotes

I can see the light!
That's where the exit is...
So far away...
All along, I've been trying my best on this path...
I wonder...
When will i finally reach the end?

I can never reach it!

Once i stop walking foward...
I won't be able to move at all!
If I give in to fear, I'll accomplish anything!
I won't be able to advanced a single step!

If I get my courage up...
And take the first step...


Do not let your goal become your objective.
It's not about how you can become one, but...
why you want to become one.

When you begin to lose sight,
trace back the path you took, and remember how you first felt.
Why did you aspire to become one, and what did you want to do once you become one?
Always remember that.

Only the person who continues to keep his initial resolution can become...
who he wants to be.
Relentlessly, pursue it earnestly and strongly,
Then you can do it!

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